(? see Balloon Travel)
19 Westgate. 1778. bounded on E by tenement Oliver Presswick. Registered N’allerton 30 Dec 1778. “towards the E by a lane or way leading from and out of the said street to a stable in the possession of Wm Leigh Williamson.
1778 Samuel Corney butcher and farmer.
1806 Mr Robt Johnston.
1823 Philip Heselton the elder, Joseph Heselton, John Barr, John Grey.
1837 Wm Danby.
1865 Richard Ord.
1895 Charles Ovington Ord.
1966 Buttery.
Stone on site of Supermarket 1963. Corner of door lintel.
New supermarket extensions completed Nov. 1977.
World War I
On 16 Decr 1914 the German Navy bombarded Hartlepool, Whitby and Scarborough. This no doubt caused the above circular in the name of Miss Gelder to be distributed in January 1915.
Both Emily and I recall the Headmaster of the Grammar School (Rev TFH Berwick MA) delivering the leaflets in person.
Constables’ Disbursements
Parish of Guisborough, North Yorkshire
1791 – 1831
Unfortunately there are gaps in the records as shown on sheet 2. Some books of accounts are missing, and in the existing documents some constables have given less information than others.
Payments to travellers ranged from 3d per person to 1/-. Males usually received 6d and women and children 4d each, but frequently the lump sum for a man, wife and children came to 3½d a head. Sailors in some cases when relieved on the order of a justice – Mr Williamson was one – received one shilling each.
The most detailed information is to be found in the papers for the years 1827 to 1831: all the occupations occur in this period.
In 1805/6 a large proportion of the women were wives of soldiers and sailors unaccompanied by their husbands. The four months 1816/17 show an outstanding number of travellers.
Of the constables, James Laing and William Darnton are, for our purposes, top scorers, as the following excerpts show:
A bass maker and his wife big with child.
A cropper going to Scotland.
A sailor castaway at Skinningrove.
A widow woman and two children going to Hull.
Two sailors shipwrecked in the Baltic.
A Portugize.
T Fisher, a schoolmaster, deplorabble.
A poor Jack adrift.
An idiot boy for his bed 3d. Lost his way, paid bed again 3d. (Not so silly! humane treatment)
Three sailors going to Sunderland, real Jacks.
A poor sailor going to Wisbech.
Jno Thompson (carpenter) ill of the Ague, going to Scarboro his settlement.
A poor woman that had lost her Child and Husband at Edinburgh with Certificate 1/-.
(All the above written by James Laing)
For the Pulmans it was a family vocation: Alexander, Robert and William were constables and there was a Ralph Pulman also did some tradesmen’s work for them
Included in the accounts are numerous items of purely local interest: repairs such as the “Dungon” lock and key, cleaning “Dungon”: providing straw, writing paper, quills and ink; payments for carrying the halberd and for calling the fair.
Deed No. 75 dated 29/12/1860
Grace Dixon research March 1982
Registry of Deeds Northallerton on microfilm. Book IU Deed 75
Parties named
Of the first part…
Frederick Jackson, Painter
Charles Carr, Rope and Sail Maker
John W Smith, Woollen Draper
(The above were all of Leeds, Trustees of Leeds Permanent Benefit Building Society).
Of the second part…
Thomas England of Leeds, surgical instrument maker.
Of the third part…
JH Merryweather.
Referring to all those three several messuages or dwelling houses adjoining each other, with yard, coach-house, stable and outbuildings, and garden on back (estimated one rood), formerly in occupations of M Mackereth, James Long, and Miss Danby, afterwards of Elizabeth Mozley, William Gill, and William Wright, late of William Henry England and his undertenants, and now of the said James H Merryweather and his undertenants, and all that piece or parcel of waste ground as same was formerly marked and set out, extending all the length of the said messuages or dwelling-houses, southwards 5 feet 10 inches at the east end thereof, and 4 feet 10 inches at the west end thereof, all of which etc are on the north side of Westgate, bounded east by lands formerly of John Harrison, but now of Thomas Colling Esq,
West by lands formerly of George Pennock and Robert Askew, but now of Henry William Thomas and by Miss Edwards.
North by other lands formerly of said John Harrison, but now of said Thomas Colling, and other property of said HW Thomas.
South by Westgate.
Deed No. 76 of 31st December, 1860.Book IU
JH Merryweather (Surgeon) to John Wilson (Watchmaker of Guisborough).
This deed relates to exactly all the same property as Deed 75. Probably a mortgage.
Note. There was a doctor named Michael Mackereth in Guisborough in the 1820s. John Harrison was one of the officials of the Chaloner estate. HW Thomas was a considerable land-owner at Hutton and Pinchinthorpe, and lived at Pinchinthorpe House before Sir Alfred Pease. In 1851 Ann Mozley, her daughter and two teachers, had a school in Westgate, certainly in the area in question. The Danbys were a prosperous Guisborough family early in 19th century, possibly late 18th C. I am assuming that the earlier version of Sunnyfield House passed from the Clarke family around 1859, then to Colling and later to Weatherills, but I have no proof of this.
Dr TA Pratt’s house
was No. 50 Westgate, with rear premises to N in Westgate Rd—WDB.
Indenture 4 April 1760
Northallerton. Registry of deeds. Book HE, p508/665.
A memorial of an indenture of Release bearing date 4/4/60 being Tripartite and made between Ralph Ward, Merchant son and heir of Knox Ward, late of Kirby St in County of M’sex, Esq deceased, and nephew and heir at law of Ralph Ward*, late of Guisborough in the County of York, Gent deceased, and Thomas Ward of London, Sugar Baker, and Rebecca Ward of London, Spinster, brother and sister of the said Ralph Ward, party thereto of the first part, Ralph Jackson of Guisborough in Cleveland in North Riding of the County of York, Gent, of the second part, and Hannah Jackson of Guisborough aforesaid, widow, of the third part, of an ? concerning all and every lands, tenements, Hereditaments and real estates late of the said Ralph Ward deceased, in and by the same Indenture mentioned, to be in and by his last will devised to the said Ralph Jackson as therein mentioned, and by the said Indenture released unto and to the sole use and behoof (?) of the said Ralph Jackson, his heirs and assigns, for ever, the execution of which said Indenture by the said Ralph Ward, party thereto Thomas Ward and Rebecca Ward, is witnessed by Joanna Nettleton of Drapers Court, Lothbury, London, Spinster, and Thomas Ludley of Piccadilly London, Gent, and the execution thereof by the said Ralph Jackson, is witnessed by John Preston the elder, of Stokesley in the said County of York, Gent, and John Preston the younger of Stokesley aforesaid, Gent
R Jackson
Signed and sealed in the presence of John Preston
John Preston, Junior. Sworn.
Registered 8/8/1760 at 11 in the forenoon.
*2 Nov 1759. “At a quarter past five in the evening died my uncle Ralph Ward—the will was not looked for tonight.” Diary of RW’s nephew Ralph Ward Jackson.
Indenture 9 July 1785
Northallerton, reg. of deeds, Vol BY, No. 124
Ralph Jackson Esq of Normanby to Richard Pulman Jnr Yeoman of Guisbrough
… messuage or tenement W end of Guisbrough, S side of Westgate - 35½ ft in breadth, with croft or garth lying on backside extending to beck called backhouse beck. Bounded by estate of William Chaloner towards the E, by estate of Ralph Jackson towards the W, and are now in the occupation of Francis Pearson as tenant. Formerly purchased by William Ward late grandfather of Ralph Jackson off and from Cuthbert Hunter and Elizabeth his wife ...
… also a convenient way or passage from and out of the Town Street (Westgate) of Guisbrough to and into yard or garth of said Ralph Jackson. Ralph Jackson reserves right of carriageway therein and from thence through and over the same yard or garth to and into the garth hereby conveyed and as near to the NW corner thereof as conveniently as may be …
WB 29.3.1978
Indenture, 11/11/1748
Indenture between
WILLIAM CHALONER Esquire of Guisbrough and
JOHN HUSBAND, Sadler of Guisbrough
Dated 11h November 1748
William Chaloner grants to John Husband the Tolls, Customs and Profits out of the Markets and Fairs in Guisbrough (excluding the Tolls and Customs from sale of living cattle and tolls or stallage of the Butchers Shambles already erected) and All that Close or parcel of Ground commonly called Sweet Hill containing about 6 acres, adjoining upon the grounds of Mr Thomas Proddy or towards the east, west and south and the water or beck towards the north. Also that Cottage-house where Edward Mankin now dwells adjoining upon the Malt Kiln towards the south and Robert Barry’s garden towards the north and east of the street towards the west…with free liberty of Turf and Turf Graft upon the Common or Moor, according to the quantity of his estate and the Allotment of the Jurors of the Town of Guisbrough…for 29 years and fully to be Court Leet amended. John Husband to pay yearly at the Manor-house of William Chaloner in Guisbrough £4/18/- at the two usual feasts of S John the Baptist and S Martin the Bishop in Winter in equal portions. John Husband to render all suits and services due to the Lord’s Court, Mills and Common Bakehouse by Lord’s tenants. Also to ride the fairs and boundaries, grind all his corn at the Lord’s mills (also malt). Also by baking at the Lord’s Common Bakehouse in Guisbrough all the bread and Bake Meats. Also to provide a manservant and cart to what Coal Pits William Chaloner shall think proper and shall carry the load of Coals (6 bushel at least) and the same shall pitch or lay down at the door of the Manor or Dwelling-house of William Chaloner in Guisbrough or elsewhere, paying the prime cost at the pits for the said coals.
The indenture contains the usual clauses concerning Chaloner’s rights to dig and search for mines, springs, quarries. With compensation to the leaseholder. John Husband to set or plant Ashes or Oaks in the hedges then existing or thereafter erected at a distance of 20 feet.
Endorsed “William Chaloner Esquire to John Husband – Lease for 29 Years from 11th November 1748”.
The fine of the within Lease for the Tolls £42
For the 6 acres of ground 18
For Edward Mankin House 4
Total £64

(John Husband, a churchwarden 1744
d. Jan 1759, nr Scaling, doubtful cause of death. A fall from a horse, in liquor.)
Ann Lyle of Guisborough, widow, no will.
Purse and apparel 15/-
1 cow £1.18s.0d.
1 swine 4/-
1 acre of wheat £2
½ acre of barley 12/4d
2 acres meadow £1. 6s.8d
1 bedstead with a chaff bed and clothes belonging £1
2 sheets, 3 pillowbears 6/-
2 pewter dishes, 2 brass pots, 2 brass pans and other implements 10/-
table, chair and other small implements 5/-
TOTAL £8.18s.9d.
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