Parochial authorities to submit to Lord Lieutenants a list of persons between ages of 18 and 50 out of which the proper quota was chosen by lot. Exemptions for peers, deputy lieutenants, constables, parish officers; seafaring men, clerks and apprentices.
In 1757 North Riding had to provide 720 men. Under 1796 Act quota increased by 1360 privates. Other exemptions: men with 3 children under 10 years and gamekeepers!
‘History N York Militia’ Robt Bell Turton.


Mr Henry Robson (died 196?, aged 80 yrs plus) told me in 1960 that his father remembered when offenders were put in cell at Town Hall (where small window is on NE corner – (now with bars). Offender locked up at night. Next morning his friends would take a jug of beer with a long clay pipe and put bowl of pipe in jug so that prisoner could suck beer.
Same source: School in Chapel Yard. Mr Carr schoolmaster.
Parish Constables
Robert Hudson 1608 (p 73)
Wm Darnton
Thomas Pearsey (p 74 typed copy)
John Lincoln 1799 (p 74)
Wm Pulman 1791/2 (p 75)
James Laing 1827-30 (p 77)
T Watson 1814 (p 77)
(ref 22/4 1982) Ct Baron
mentioned in 1881 Census, describing order of enumeration in Redcar Road.
Used for impounding stray cattle. Corner of Grammar School field behind (Peugeot Garage 2004)?)
Police Car
Supt Rose and Sgt Kay of the North Riding Constabulary. This first divisional car – a 1911 Vulcan was purchased second-hand in 1913.
The old Police Station in the background (junction of Whitby Lane and Belmangate) built 1857.
Did the Admiral have a say in the design of the old police station? It has the appearance of an estate lodge. Now used as three houses.
I remember Supt. Rose & Sergt Kaye. Car sold in 1926. Before this the Super had a tub-trap. I recall him chasing us out of the cottages being built in Rectory Lane near the Foundry. Now (1983) mainly used as offices

“As the Jackson children are in the measles you may let them have 1 shilling today”

As a J.P. the Perpetual Curate of Guisborough authorises the Overseers to pay the Jackson family one shilling.
Qr. Sessions Guisbrough 28 June 1741 – Thomas Flounders stole several pieces of iron – to be transported into saome of his Majesty’s plantations in North America for 7 years.
1510/1515 Cristofer Conyers and Sir John Bulmer have a row. A vivid a/c.
Star Chamber: Guisborough priory and Local Society on the eve of the Reformation.
Yorkshire Star Chamber Proceedings. Yorks Archaeological Society
Record Series 4, No. 30, pp63-72
"To the kyng our soverygn lord and to the lordys of hys most honorabull Counsell
In most humble wyse sheewyth onto your heyghness your true and feythfull subiecte, Crystofer Conyers, that wher as on Bryan Conyars, father onto your bedman, was seasyed of the maner of Pynchynthorp with all the landes and tenements, rentes, reuersions… his demean as of fee…..after hoes death on Rychard Grene, fader in lawe to your said pour orator, as in the right of hys wyeff…..and duryng the noneage of your pour pour orator, occupied…..the said maner during the lyeff of hys said wyeff. after hoez dethe your said orator as sone and heyre to hys said father enter into the seid maner ….and peasably enjoy hyt by the space of vii yeres, and on to such tyme as John Moreby, that tyme beying priour of the monastry of your Blessed Lady of Gosburn, which by reason of hys said howse hadde on mese lying within the sayd Lordshyp, by reason of the which mesuage the tenauntes of the seyed pryour occupying the sayd mesuage, tyme out of mynde of man, haue suyt to the courte of the said manor and don thr sutes and seruices therfor accustomed, whyche to do the seid priour wold not suffer hys sayd tenantes so to do no maner of suyt to the sayd court…..but commandyd them to the contrarie, and by great might and pourer wolde not suffer no freeholder….to do suyt…. And after that the seyd prior resygned hys sayd rome and dygnyte to on Wylliam Spyers, nowe pryour of the seyd place, which in lyke manoer of forme haythe used hym self as hys predecessor used hym, and seyng the seyd maner to be no manor but as a hamlett of the maner of Hoton, belongyng to the seyd monastry. For reformation whereof and for other controversiez …..they bunde themselfes ….to abyde the jugement of the Justices of assis…..wherapon oon Robert Brudenell, then Justis of your assyses ther….adiuged…..that the said Cristfer may kepe hys courte in hys seid maner, calling to the same hys owne freeholders, copyholders and fermers…..and also awarded and demed that the seid orator schulde haue ccc acres of wast grounde in Pynchesond (sic) to be hys proper grounde, after the rate of five score to the hundred…..So hyt is, most drade soueranyng lord…..your seid orator entered into the seyd ccc acres of wast grounde…..The seid prior, of hys illdispoyed mynd….woll not suffer yor pour bedman to enyoie the seid ccc acres…..nor woll not suffer yor pour bedman to enyoie the seid ccc acres.....nor woll not suffer hys tenantes nor none other whyche holdethe ther londes of the seid maner to do suyte to your pour bedmans courte, but commaundyth hys tenantes and other to put in ther bestes into the seid wast grounde. And so hyt is, most grassius lord, that oon Ser John Bulmer, knyght, with dyuerse moust riotus persons, to he nombre of v……the viii the day of October, the vii yere of your most graccous reygne (1515), by the commaundement and procurement of the seid now priour, with force and arms, that is to sey, with swirdes and bokelers, mete with your poore bedman at Northcote, as he was goyng Goddes peas and your toward the place where it was shewed your poore bedman he shuld fynd the seid John Bowmer, to the intent he might knowe howe and in what som he shuld be sessed and leyd by the said Sir John Bowmer….and then and ther the seid ryottuse persons riotously assauted yor seid orator and strayke at hym many soundrye strokes, and droue your por bedman bake, and ther thought to haue mourdered your seid bedman, had not on Thomas Faukener, seruant to Sir Wyllyam Bowmer, byn ther, and ther manesshed and threatened your seid poure bedman to kyll hym, by reson whreof your seid etc. dare not abide and dwell att hys own place in the same countre, to the perelus ensample of all other suche lyke offenders. And in asmoche, drade souerayed lord, that the seid pryour is a man of gret possessions and gretly ayded by many gret gentylmen of the same counter in hys wronnges, and your seid etc. but poure nor able to sue for hys remedie by ordour of your comeyn lawes, hyt may therefore please your heyghtnes… graunte seuerall wryttes of sub peona to be directed aswell to the seid priour as to the seid Sir John Bulmer and all other the seid malefactours, commaundyng them… apere vyfore your grace and the lordes of your most honorabull Counsell at Westminster.
Return made by commissioners.
We have hardd and examined all such persones as any of the parties wold giff us instruction of…..whose sayings afore vs by theyr seposecions apperith below, and also the verry copy of a letter brought unto vs from the seid Sir John Bulmer by Sir Thomas Franke, dean of Cleveland, who desposid un to hym that the said Sir John was sore seke.
Deposecyon of Thomas Falconer, servante to Sir William Bulmer, sharyff of Yorkshire examyned at Gisburne 1st September 10 Henry VIII (1518)
He sayth that Cristofer Conyers came the 8th day of Octobre (1515), to Northcote, nere Gysburne, and there desired Sir John Bulmer that he wold put one other in his rowme to be collector, for there was oder that was more able than he. Sir John answered, yf that the Lord Latymer, his cosyn, Sir James Strangeweys, and his fader, wold put in ane other, he shuld haue his furderaunce…..And he said that he hadd nothing to do but under his fadter. And as they shuld have departed, then said Sir John Bulmer….: Cosyn, ye have summonyed my fader is tenandes ageyn he trowyed not it was his right…..And Sir John Bulmer askyd hym if he hadd seen his auncestors sewt his auncestors court. And he said ageyn, yey, that hadd he done, and that shuld he make proffe upon. And then said Sir John Bulmer he lied; and he said he lyed not. And Sir John Bulmer shoke his handd at hym and said Go your way; I will have noght to do with you. And the furst worde that I,…..herdde after, the sayd Sir John Bulmer sayd, Lies then thy hannde on thy swerde to me. And with that draw his swerde and wold have stryken the said Cristofer, but I …..lett hym. And the said Cristofer wold have lighted, and in the lighting the said Sir John stroke hym flatte upon the hede with his swerde, and then the said Cristofer lighted and drue his swerde, and then lighted Sir John Bulmer and threwe his hauke of his handd, and came to the said Crisofer as he wold have striken hym; and the said Sir John’s servaunttes lettid hym. Then Sir John badd…..Crisofer put up his swerde and he wolde latt hym alone, and so he dyd. Then folowyd the said Cristofer upon the said Sir John with ungoodly language, and then drew they both their swerdes ageyne. Then Cristofer desired Sir John nott to stryke hym, but besought hym to be his good master, and Sir John badd hym put up his swerde and goo his way. And as Sir John was goyng his way, Cristofer drewe his swerde at the said Thomas, and said that he was one of those that hadde mayd him that at doo. And Sir John came again and asked hym at whom he drew his swerde, and with that the said servauntes put theym sounder, and so they departyd.
Cristofer Mawghenne, servaunt unto Sir John Bulmer, sayth that Sir John was hawking in a garthe behind Gisburne and then at the Neder Mylne, and could have no game unto he came unto a place callid North Cote, and there his hawke killed a pye. And after the rewardyng of the hawke, the said Sir John toke the hawke on his owne handd, and then and ther came Cristofer Conyers, and bad God evyn to the said Sir John, and the said Sir John sayd, Good evyn, Cosyn Conyers. Then sayd Cristofer, Sir, it is shewyd me that ye have mayd me a collector. Ans Sir John sayd, Nay, if ye bee one, ye were mayd by better men than I; but I cannot tell if ye be or not. And Cristofer sayd, Ye have bene ever agayn me, and all is for yone prior sake. Cosyn, sayd Sir John, ye may say as ye will, for so ye say that my fader shall suett your courte, and that was never seen that none of myne auncestors suttyed your auncestors court. And he said, By Godes blode, that shuld they, and with that pulled his swerde afore hym. And Sir John sawe that and said Goo thy ways, I will have nothyng to doo with thee. And then Cristofer came nere the said Sir John, who pulled out his swerde, and gave him flatlinges in the nekke. And Cristofer lighted with his swerde drawene in his handde toward the said Sir John, who lighted of his hors and threw his hawke from hym, and there had strykken togidder, hadde not bene Thmas Falconer, John Bayly and I, which partyd theym. Then Cristofer was very hot, and Sir John sayd, Cosyn go your way. For I will have no more to do with you. And Cristofer sayd, Fye on your cosynage, I defye you, for I had rather dye in my right. And Sir John sayd, I will do you no wrong. And Cristofer folowid hym still, desyring him. And ever as Sir John wold turne to hym, he wold say, Kyll me. And Sir John wold say, I will neyther kyll the, nor medle with the. And this Cristofer folowyd upon the said Sir John the space of 300 fotes. And then Cristofer turned ageyn, and so they departid, and Cristofer sayd that he shuld go and kyll the prior of Gisburn, and with that wentt his way.
William Spyres, Priour of Gysburne deposeth that the assaute supposid to be mayd by Sir John upon the said Cristofer was without his knowlege or procurement. Sir John never had any fee of him for berying or mayntenance in this matter (Ref. to prior keeping 2 knightsof Bulmers in priory), or any other his unlawfull causez.
Sir John Bulmer …..My Lord, I hadd no servauntes with me but onely one grome of my fathers, Thomas Falconer, who was rewardyng a hawke that had kild a pye. There was also there the baly of he countrey, and a stranger, one Hodschon, my cosyn Dawney’s tenaunt…..
William Browne He saith that he hath kept koutes at Pynchynthorpp by the space of 10 yeris in the reigne of king Herry VII….to the behove and use of one Richard Grene and El;izabeth his wiffe, mder unto the said Cristofer Conyers during the nonedge (minority) of the said Cristofer. At the which courtes were callid as freeholders and suetters…..the pryor and conventt of Gysburne, thabbot and conventt of Hyvax, Rauff Bulmer and his heyres etc …..for defaute of apperaunce they were amerced, and the amercement extredid and gathered by the officer….."
Window Tax. First levied in England in 1696 for purpose of defraying the expense and making up the deficiency from clipped or defaced coinage in the reign of William III (accession 1689 – 1702). All inhabited houses, save those not paying Church or Poor Rates, were assessed at 2/- per year. An added tax was laid according to the number of windows: on 10 to 19 windows the additional tax was 4/-. In its first year the tax raised £1,200,000. It was increased six times between 1747 and 1808 and reduced in 1823. After a strong agitation in the winter of 1850-51 it was repealed 24 July 1851 and replaced by a tax on inhabited houses. (Everyman’s Encyclopaedia)
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