1Letter, dated 16.01.1852, from WW Thomas at Pinchinthorpe, to Wm Brown Esq of Cliffe House, Whitby

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January 16th 1852
Dear Sir,
I have since you were here had the engineer over and taken down every outlet likewise provided for bringing the water into each field where the same was cut off, we also have examined the spring in the little Dicky and that can also be managed as we shall be so near the fence as not to disturb the head of the spring – with respect to the Roseberry Branch (the Engineer reports) Mr. Brown’s ironstone might easily come on to the railway where there is a 11ft embankment; if Mr. Brown was to cast the earth covering the ironstone on to the south side of the railway and so make a road level with the railway; or the ironstone might come on to the railway at the west end of Mr. Brown’s field where the railway is level with the surface. Now with respect to crossing the railway in your higher land field the engineer proposes for you to cross at level as there will be little traffic over the line on to your other land and this crossing he proposes to make at the west end of your field adjoining Mr. Lee’s trustees and one crossing in that locality wd do for each intack – another advantage will occur on this line to your property on the hill which I forgot to name and that is they will not be plagued with the moor sheep as the railway company will make a secure fence above the line –
I find from the engineer that we might have to take from your moor land abt 4 acres what with the severed land and one thing and another and that the price of 50£ per acre is three times more than value, and as we profess to give double the value cd I prevail on you to take 30£ per acre – The draft of agreement is being prepared for you only waiting your reply with respect to the price per acre of the moor land – Hoping Mrs Brown, yourself and family are all well with kind regards –
Believe me dear sir
Yours truly
Breaking the Sabbath. A letter in the Middlesbrough Weekly News & Advertiser 15 October 1859.
“Dear Sirs – Allow me through the medium of your newspaper to complain of an evil of such a demoralizing tendency, that if continued it may prove a curse not only to the parties engaged, but also to the neighbourhood in which they reside. I allude to the system of Sunday labour as conducted on the new Extension Line in Waterfall Valley. It is not for me to limit the labours or consciences of men, but I have the right to protest against all evil influences, especially those of a public or demoralizing character. That the work is not so expedient as to demand an infringement of the Sabbath I have the testimony of an official on the line. If the Railway Companies are allowed to break the Sabbath with impunity, soon we shall have every species of trade and occupation conducted with the same impunity. I am very sorry that men can be found so low and debased as to lower themselves to a task so degrading and sacriligeous. Yours most respectfully, A Guisborian.”